Language translations are still in development.

Beta Test Feedback & FAQ

Please use the feedback form below the new profiler for any bug reports, suggestions, questions, or to help us celebrate!

You might want to "bookmark" this page below so you can easily find and return to the beta test for the next few weeks!

Translations are still in development. Please stay tuned for updates in your language. 

This feature will be added into the next version.
This feature will be fixed and added into the next version.

We are exploring some new exciting features for how to use the Profile, the Living Library, an expanded Summary PDF for you and your community and access to a large amount of saved profiles in your library. We will announce these features in the coming months as they are fully tested and implemented. If you would like to be notified of these changes, sign up to this free mailing list for Profile specific updates –

There will be a price for to access some of the expanded features, though there will always be an option for a Free Profile. 

This content has been a collaboration between Richard Rudd & Elijah Parker with additional contributions by Adam Blvck & Amma Li Grace. There is more, new content being uploaded into a “Synthesis Database” that will be used for the evolution of the profiler, living library, courses and new apps over time.

All of our trusted translation partners will be contacted in the future to discuss translation of any new content. Right now, we are focusing on finishing the English version first and building a streamlined process for our translations afterwards.

Yes, the Star Pearl is already being built! Our first tests are looking great, and it will be included in the overall profiler for those who have purchased the Star Pearl. 

However, this feature won’t release until December. Stay tuned for more fun details about the upcoming Star Pearl matrix….

Eventually, yes there will be a mobile app! This feature is being included in a new mobile app we are developing.

Yes! We will always have a free profile option available. Though the free profiler may not have all of the new expanded options as they are developed. 

We expect to launch it publicly before the end of September to our entire community, in preparation for the September Colorado Events.

At first, we will give people the option to use the new profiler or the old profiler while we are still in “beta testing”. However, by the end of the year we expect that old profiler will be archived.

Feedback Form for Profiler Beta Test

Profiler Beta Feedback / Bug Reports

Experience the Gene Keys in-person

Richard Rudd live in London

Friends House UK - November 23 - 24

The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human

Experience a two-day immersion into the Gene Keys – a technology of higher consciousness for the future human. Over these two days, Richard will unpack the key insights of the Gene Keys, through a poetic blend of story, science and mystical techniques to bring us into an unforgettable experience of living coherence.

Whether you are brand new to the Gene Keys or a long-time voyager, this event will be a deep dive into the divine intelligence within us all.

Richard Rudd live in London

Friends House UK - November 23-24

The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human

Experience a two-day immersion into the Gene Keys – a technology of higher consciousness for the future human. Over these two days, Richard will unpack the key insights of the Gene Keys, through a poetic blend of story, science and mystical techniques to bring us into an unforgettable experience of living coherence.

Whether you are brand new to the Gene Keys or a long-time voyager, this event will be a deep dive into the divine intelligence within us all.

Love: The Living Flame

A day of embodied wisdom with Tanmayo

In-person event Boulder, Colorado, USA - September 30th

Join LIVE and IN PERSON in Colorado, USA for a day of embodied wisdom with long-time Gene Keys guide & facilitator Tanmayo Lawson. This one-day event is your doorway into the miraculous nature of love, moving us into the heart of the Gene Keys Venus Sequence. The heart holds the secrets of the divine spark hidden beneath ancient wounds of rejection, sorrow, co-dependence and victimisation. Together, we will explore this sacred mystery of love as a living flame – the longing in each of us to experience the joy and wonder of life.

Love: The Living Flame

A day of embodied wisdom with Tanmayo

In-person event Boulder, Colorado, USA - September 30th

Join LIVE and IN PERSON in Colorado, USA for a day of embodied wisdom with long-time Gene Keys guide & facilitator Tanmayo Lawson. This one-day event is your doorway into the miraculous nature of love, moving us into the heart of the Gene Keys Venus Sequence. The heart holds the secrets of the divine spark hidden beneath ancient wounds of rejection, sorrow, co-dependence and victimisation. Together, we will explore this sacred mystery of love as a living flame – the longing in each of us to experience the joy and wonder of life.