September 20th – 26th 2024

Gene Key 46


Seriousness – Delight – Ecstasy

This week we will meet the great truth of Ecstasy, which can be accessed through our hidden nature. To experience this Ecstasy, we must be willing to transform every last vestige of our lower nature, by looking through the lens of Delight.

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To court Ecstasy, we have to become contemplative. We have to slow down. We have to pause so that we come once again into communion with the elements, with nature and with each other.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Introducing the new Gene Keys Profiler

Special Invitation to Beta Test

We’ve been working on something really special and we’re so excited to finally share it with you, our wonderful community! 🎉 

We are delighted to present our brand new Profiler, which has been designed with the intention of creating enjoyable and inspiring ways to explore the Gene Keys Profile. It includes some exciting new features and will be the foundation for developing expanded profiler functions in the future.

We would love you to join us in these final stages of development, so we invite you to click the button below and try the new Profiler out! Explore, play, and test it following your intuition, and then share your thoughts using the Feedback Form embedded on the Beta Test page. 

As a thank you for being part of our community and to celebrate the launch, we’re offering a 10% discount on all our online courses for seven days. Click here or use the coupon code: synthesis. *This offer will expire next FRIDAY.

~ Special thanks to Adam Blvck who designed this new interactive profiler along with our development team including Alfredo, Andrey, Liv and Elijah. We also extend our thanks to all of Team64 who help make these projects possible.

10% off on all our online courses until September 27th

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