Gene Keys Guide

Inger AM Holyheart

Intuitive Messenger, Artist and Contemplator

Life purpose; Change how people feel about themself!

My brand and much of my life and profile is about humor and paradox awareness. I thrive on clarity from chaos to order and have contemplated “all my life” and have found a perfect divine order. I am best at guiding you to “rewrite your story”, spiritual healing with clarity from past and future themes.

I have been a leader, mentor and teacher all my life. Special competence in self-understanding and awareness in teams, team collaboration, relationship-control, interaction and preparation of team roles. I have a master’s degree in ” Kindergarten and Professional competence” I and love the area; Holistic Leadership/management where one looks at personal competence, skills, the soul’s potential, GeneKeys and also personal knowledge as important pieces of the puzzle in living one’s highest potential here on earth. Dare to be Divine!

As a Guide, I ask you clarifying questions; What do YOU want? maybe I trigger your shadows, but I am willing to hold space so that you can feel yourself and find out what you should further contemplate and heal. AND because I’ve lived my hero’s journey multiple times, I tend to see the humor and use laughter to release the “seriousness”. ( in english ; “Will You?” )