Gene Keys Guide

Kerry Garner Venter

Inspiring possibilities and aligned living

I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery since I was 10 years old when I survived a Near Death Experience and came back knowing, perceiving, and receiving that there is so much more this what we have been taught about life and reality.

I’ve been coaching and healing for over 15 years, equipping and empowering my clients with tools like the incredible body of work Richard has created, so that people can tap into their truth, express their gifts and live and lead a fulfilling, joyful, meaningful life.

When we work together we will:

Bring to light what’s in the dark.
Make known what’s unknowable.
Access what’s been previously inaccessible.
Make explicit what has been implicit.
Uncover what has been hidden.
Ensure consistency where things have been wavering.
Bring joy, fun, and lightness to the inner and outer work of healing.

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