September 14th – 20th 2024

Gene Key 6


Conflict – Diplomacy – Peace

This week we will contemplate Gene Key 6, which holds the key to our collective future, realised as a state of limitless peace. May this be a peaceful week for us all.

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Every human being is emotionally vulnerable until we drop our protective defences. The defences form around our heart, and as long as our hearts remain defended and closed, they can’t heal.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Turning Relational Triggers into Sparks with Elijah

Free Webinar – 17th September, 7pm UTC

The Spheres of IQ and EQ in your Gene Keys profile can reveal a provocative truth about relationships – the things that trigger us can also liberate us. The Venus Sequence calls this the Pathway of Intelligence. It is a chance to learn about our own mental and emotional defence patterns, and reveal the higher purpose hidden in even the most challenging of relationships.

Join this interactive session where Elijah deciphers the Gene Keys profile using examples from the audience to reveal the higher intelligence hidden in the fights, flirtations and fears within our relationships.

Transforming Conflict into Peace

‘It only takes one person to end a conflict’ is a beautiful insight for anyone caught up in any kind of human conflict. In this video, Richard Rudd shows how conflict itself is a launch-pad to creating deeper harmony in ourselves and our relationships. By learning the art of empathy and diplomacy through conflict, our self-love is honed until our actions and words ring out with the power of our authentic self.

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