Pay Later

Pay in Installments

About Installment Plans with PayPal “Pay Later” options

PayPal “Pay Later” is an agreement between you and PayPal. Gene Keys Ltd. will not be able to change your payment options or agreement. Using this option, you create a payment plan directly with PayPal who then gives Gene Keys Ltd. the full amount. If you have questions about Pay Later options, please see PayPal’s documentation & FAQ.

This allows you to instantly complete your purchase with and access the course materials and pay off the initial deposit by making installment payments directly to PayPal for no extra charge.

Refunds are still valid for up to 30 days from purchase, which will both refund the current payment and cancel future payments with PayPal. 

Pay Later does require you to have a free PayPal account. Pay Later is currently only available in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Australia. Currently, this feature is not available for customers from the Republic of Ireland.

During checkout, click Pay Later and choose the Pay in 4 or Pay Monthly option. If you do NOT see these options, you may be ineligible for the pay later program.

Pay in 4, over 6 weeks

This first option automatically divides the total purchase amount into 4 interest-free, bi-weekly payments to pay off the total amount in 6 weeks.

Pay monthly

For purchases over $199 you can enjoy the flexibility of 6, 12, or 24-month payment plans with $0 down and no sign-up fees or late fees. Please note, these payments do incur interest.

For full terms & conditions from PayPal please visit their documentation here.

How to “Pay Later”

Below are instructions for how to enable Pay Later for your purchases during checkout on

  1. Fill out your billing details
  2. Choose Paypal option
  3. Click the bottom button “Pay Later”
  4. This will open a new popup with Login or signup for a free PayPal account
  5. Choose “Pay in 4” or “Pay Monthly” from the Pay Later options.
  6. Accept the terms & conditions from PayPal and continue to the final checkout confirmation
  7. Complete your checkout and enjoy your Gene Keys purchase immediately. PayPal will automatically begin your payment plan per your choices during the checkout process.

Frequently Asked Questions