Gene Keys Guide

Hellena Merrild

GK introduction. Golden Path groups. In-person. Online

As a Gene Keys Guide, I am passionate about teaching about the Gene Keys and helping others find their way into these great teachings.

I do introductions with focus on your personal profile both in private sessions and in groups. I also do study groups in The Golden Path, as well as I can be your personal guide along the Golden Path. Finally I do Life-therapi, where The Gene Keys is one of many tools to support you in healing from trauma and guide you in your life.

Most of my sessions and all groups are in Danish in person either in Aarhus or Ebeltoft, Denmark; but I also do online sessions in both Danish and English from all over the world.

I have been on a personal healing and transformational journey myself for many years. I have dived deep down into my own shadows and know my gifts, as well as I have wisdom and knowledge in many other areas of a healthy life. I grew up and lived in a conservative Christian Church until I was 35. Then I grew into open Christian spirituality, but finally, I grew out of that, too. I used quite some years to heal my wounds from the church, but now I see that background as a strength in my spiritual life and the Gene Keys as a natural and modern unfolding of what Jesus’ life and teachings were really about.

I have five grown up children, eleven grandchildren, and am in my third long lasting intimate relationship. My children, grandchildren and the men of my life have been my best teachers and healers. It has far from always been easy, but the challenging relationships are the ones, you learn and grow the most from.

I am also trained as a psychotherapist and a couple- and family therapist. My professional and personal life has grown into a nice flower, where I am able to hold the space for other people in a compassionate, safe and loving connection. I am good at making other people seen and heard.

I have a great passion for being in nature as well and live in a very beautiful area of Denmark, where I during summer run a small campsite. I means it is also a possibility to make a retreat out of is staying at the campsite while also having sessions.

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