Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Claudia Anghel

Personal & Group Guidance: GK Sessions, Classes, Retreats

I am a natural born ecstatic, a mother of three sweet children, and an ordinary person drawn to the extraordinary. I am here to inspire and guide you to dare emanate your pure essence into the world, sweet and resplendent beyond your wildest imagination.

While I was leading an otherwise ordinary life, I first experienced the extraordinary when I was blessed with recovery from a severe illness at 25, thanks to alternative medicine, after an arduous search for a cure. Soon after that, I was called to learn about chakras, subtle bodies, and energy-based healing techniques to offer to people who were in need.

After +15 years as an international Human Resources executive, while pausing between jobs, one day I dared to ask God, “How can I make what I love the most my main Service for people?” Soon after that moment, Gene Keys came into my life in perfect timing and with a magical touch. It was at the Venus retreat with Richard in Sinaia, Romania, in 2015.

Feeling called by this transmission at a time when not many people knew about the Gene Keys, I started out as a free lance by doing profile readings, then moved on to study groups, masterclasses, and retreats for an ever-growing number of clients who felt called to change their lives with the Gene Keys. The most recent offering is for entrepreneurs who want to become more conscious of themselves and their service to the world. I am also available for podcasts, interviews, and creative collaborations, upon request.

Over time, I found myself building communities, both in person and online, with an energy of communion and trust. During the Ambassador Program in 2018, I founded the holistic HarRa Center for Gene Keys students as a space to creatively express their gifts and grow together.

This is what I like the most about the Gene Keys: they inspire us to discover and dare to express freely our pure essence into the world.

What a blessing to be on this beautiful planet in these (r)evolutionary times for humanity! My innate ecstatic sense sees how unique it is to help smooth this transition with deep love and gratitude.

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