Gene Keys Guide

Mieke de Vreede

GK Profile & Golden Path Guidance for changemakers

Have you also been dreaming about the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? And do you see yourself as a changemaker? My name is Mieke, I am based in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) and I work both as an Educational Advisor and as a Coach/Guide. Since 2012 I have worked with many changemakers – mainly in the field of Education. Initially my interest was in the ‘doing’, but later on I came to realise their needs to be a fine balance with the ‘being’ – our prescence. I have learned that it makes all the difference if we pay attention to the inner place from which we act. Ever since, I have been guiding changemakers in doing the inner work to shift their presence.

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
(T.S. Eliot)

Having a lot of 1st lines in my profile, I think I have been on a journey of self-discovery for most of my adult life. It has been very interesting as I have learned so much along the way about a wide range of modalities (e.g. coaching, meditation, Mindfulness, Astrology, Jungian Psychology, Reiki, energy work, Theory U, Transformational Presence). Since 2020 I have been contemplating the Gene Keys. After participating in several online retreats, the magic of the Gene Keys has really gotten to me. I think it is such a wonderful and gentle way of doing your inner work and realising your full potential step by step. I work as a Gene Keys guide in 1:1 and small group settings – both online and #irl (Dutch language only). If you are interested in being guided along your Gene Keys path, I look formard to hearing from you. As they say: “No road is long with good company.”

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