Gene Keys Guide

Zogra Cox

Myth, Magic, Healing and Expanded Consciousness

I am passionate about self empowerment, transcending limitations and expanding consciousness. The Gene Keys transmission and its approach of contemplation, inquiry, GENTLENESS and patience has been invaluable in my personal journey of healing and adventures in the field of consciousness.

I believe that we arrive on this plane with our unique genius and I would love to support you in peeling away the layers of conditioning and fear, to reveal the light that shines so brightly within. In so doing, may we celebrate you transcending your limitations in all areas.

I am a qualified Hypnotist, Luna Ho’oponopono (Facilitator of an authentic ancient Hawaiian healing modality), reiki practitioner and English teacher. I have facilitated circles where wondrous epiphanies and solutions reveal themselves organically in the expanded field. Magic happens when people gather to support each other, to share in sacred space.

I would be honoured to guide you on your journey in a way that feels right for you. As someone who has walked her own path of trauma, grief and addiction, I am confident that I can hold the space. You are accountable and very capable of revealing your own light.

Reach out to me for contemplative profile readings, support on the Golden Path, or pure play with the keys to expand consciousness.

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