The Gene Keys teachings come alive within our global community, where they can inspire great creativity, adventure and new friendship. True wisdom is about dissolving illusory barriers between individuals, cultures and ideologies. At the core of the Gene Keys is the principle of Synarchy – the self-organising evolutionary impulse that forges us into a collective consciousness by encouraging individual genius. Synarchy is our society of the future, based on the frequency of love, wisdom and truth working in harmony. will continue to develop tools and features to help you find people studying the Gene Keys in your area and connect with others all around the world. We warmly invite you to become a member of our thriving community, to connect, learn from each other and share the Gene Keys with the world. You can use the options linked below to connect with others through the Ambassador Directory, free Open Community Calls, and mother language hubs all around the world. Be sure to stay subscribed to our Gene Keys Youtube Channel and Pulse Newsletter for free contemplation resources and updates.