Host Resources

Hosting Policy

Hosting Role

Your role as Host is to create and hold space for participants to share authentically in a group environment. As a Host you are invited to model the four qualities that lie at the heart of The Gene Keys Approach 

You are welcome to share experiences that are directly related to your own personal journey and from your understanding of the Golden Path, Delta or other Gene Keys teachings. Your role is to answer questions and not to provide solutions, give advice or provide therapeutic guidance or counselling.  

The Gene Keys Approach

To be a Guide for others, you must become a lamp unto yourself 

 The Gene Keys Approach is a set of four qualities that we embody and share through our own contemplative practice and in our day to day interactions within the growing global Gene Keys Community. 

    • Contemplation – Model and inspire the principles of Pausing, Pivoting and Merging; Guide people into the Synthesis.  
    • Inquiry – Ask the right questions, inviting wisdom to come from within; Every shadow contains a Gift 
    • Gentleness – Encourage unwinding and un-learning, versus fixing and doing; Allow, Accept, Embrace 
    • Patience – Cultivate openness, honesty and curiosity. Wisdom doesn’t come from ‘knowing’ all the Gene Keys  

Framework for setting and holding space.


    • Introduce Hosts, warmly welcome Ambassadors, regular participants and newcomers.  
    • Share key Zoom logistics (especially for newcomers) e.g. Muting microphone, camera on/off, chat box and screen settings as people arrive.  
    • Hold Attunement. (3 minutes max) Inviting the transmission through presence, care and deep listening. 
    • Share the Purpose or Framework of the call. e.g. Deep Dive Community Call, Q&A or Delta sharing as the intentions are slightly different.  
    • Share the Values asking for agreement and consent. 
    • Share the Logistics including the time frame. 
    • Close the session inviting reflections, questions and share any event information. 
    • Hold the closing Attunement. (3 minutes max)


Please read out the following:  

We ask everyone for their consent and agreement to these Values:

    • Embrace the Gene Keys Approach through the practice of Inquiry, Contemplation, Gentleness and Patience. 
    • Listen to others sharing without interrupting. Remain open hearted, respecting others in word and action.  
    • Help to model respect with your full presence. (Please don’t be distracted by your devices or environment.)  
    • Receive others in silence and compassion, without judgement. (if you find yourself judging another unkindly, pause and acknowledge your own feelings) 
    • Hold in confidence and respect what is shared between you and please do not share outside of the group.  
    • Use “I” statements and share from your own personal experience and feelings. 
    • Welcome feelings that arise as opportunities of insight and contemplation. (allow, accept, embrace)  
    • Avoid giving unsolicited advice and please keep any professional or therapeutic opinion to yourself whilst cultivating the quality of humility.

Breakout group logistics

Please read out the following: 

    • Note your breakout room number so we are able to return you easily if you fall out.  
    • Use “Ask for Help” button if needed (lower right). A Host will join you to help asap. 
    • Support each other to manage sharing time; politely prompt if someone is ‘over-sharing’ and taking more time than feels fair.  
    • Each of you can share when you feel ready. When finished sharing you may say  “Thank you” or “I’m complete”. 
    • Please mute when you are not speaking.  
    • The Host will send a reminder notification when the session is coming to a close. 
    • The session will not be recorded. We also ask that you do not record any of the call.

Closing and final words

    • Allow enough time for closing the call promptly. (Acknowledge if running over and invite those who need to leave, to go). 
    • Hold a short closing attunement, inviting reflection and gratitude for what has been shared.

Host awareness

    • Please be aware that in the event of the Zoom room being ‘gatecrashed’ OR ‘bombed’ (a Zoom term) by someone causing willful disruption, be prepared to remove the person from the group through the ‘Participants’ window. Calm the space and take care of the group by checking in and acknowledging any anxiety or concern felt.

The Disclaimer – For your Reference

This program is a personal journey of self-exploration that should not be entered into lightly. Your participation in this program is your acceptance that we do not provide any type of psychological, therapeutic support or other professional advice. You are fully responsible for your own wellbeing, choices and actions.