Featured Wisdom Keeper

Grandmother Flordemayo

Please visit Grandmother Flordemayo’s website:


The Path website:


Grandmother Flordemayo’s newest website:


Grandmother Flordemayo’s Blog: 



Love and Light is the connection and bridge between Grandmother Flordemayo and The Path – the non-profit she founded. This is a one-stop destination for unique spiritual gifts, wellness offerings and personal transformation. 

Grandmother Flordemayo's Fundraising Campaign Seeds of Renewal: The Path's Journey to Reawaken

Revitalise the Sanctuary, Rekindle the Spirit

Link to Fundraiser : https://givebutter.com/XkTrK7

The Story

In the heart of a seed lies the silent promise of life, a compact vessel of potential waiting to unfurl. Like us, each seed carries within it the stories of past generations, the wisdom of entire cultures and the resilience to grow against all odds. This journey from seed to sprout mirrors our own human quest for growth, understanding and connection. It is a testament to the enduring cycle of renewal and rebirth that defines both nature and humanity.

At The Path, we envision a sanctuary where the sacred tapestry of life is celebrated and preserved – a place where the four sacred elements, essential to all existence, are honoured through temples dedicated to Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These elements, fundamental to the world around us and within us, serve as the pillars of our shared humanity, nurturing the seeds, the animal kingdom and all human cultures across the globe.

Central to our vision is the Seed Temple – a living library that binds us to our Ancestors and the myriad cultures that have sown the seeds of wisdom throughout time. This temple stands as a beacon of knowledge, a bridge connecting the past, present and future, illustrating the profound connection we share with the Earth and its bounty.

The preservation of seeds goes beyond the mere act of saving physical specimens; it is an act of honouring the stories, the traditions and the diverse expressions of life that they represent. It is an acknowledgment of our inherent wisdom and the necessity to nurture and support one another in our collective journey of growth.

Just as a seed requires the nourishment of the four sacred elements to blossom, so too do we need the nurturing embrace of our community, the wisdom of our Elders and the guiding principles of Sacred Reciprocity to flourish. The Path is more than a place; it is a commitment to the cultivation of a world where the legacy of our Ancestors is cherished and the future generations are empowered to thrive in harmony with all forms of life.

In this sanctuary, where the elemental and the spiritual converge, we invite all to join us in sowing the Seeds of Renewal. Together, let us cultivate a space of learning, healing and reverence for the natural world and the interconnected web of existence that sustains us all. Here, amidst the temples honouring the sacred elements, we celebrate the infinite cycle of life, nurturing the seeds of wisdom that will grow into the forests of tomorrow.

The Path: Vision and Mission for 2024 and Beyond 🌿

As we stand on the cusp of Summer 2024, The Path embraces a period of transformative renewal, spurred by the lessons and blessings of the past year. This is a time for reflection, growth and preparation for the vibrant future that lies ahead.

Mission and Vision for 2024 & Beyond


In 2024, The Path embarks on a transformative journey of ‘Seeds of Renewal’, aiming to revitalise and reawaken our sacred sanctuary through the collective power of preservation, wisdom-sharing and nurturing growth. Our immediate mission is to raise $40,000 to restore and renew the physical embodiment of The Path, ensuring it remains a vibrant conduit for the exchange of ancient wisdom, cultural heritage and spiritual awakening. Through innovative virtual and online gatherings, we strive to bridge ancestral knowledge with the needs of the present, fostering a global community united in the pursuit of harmony and enlightenment.


Our vision for 2024 is to reignite The Path as a beacon of hope, resilience and transformation, standing testament to the enduring spirit of humanity’s quest for understanding and connection. We envision a fully revitalised sanctuary that serves not only as a physical space for gathering but as a symbol of our commitment to the sacred balance of life. Through the restoration of The Path, we aim to create a thriving ecosystem where the four sacred elements and the wisdom of countless generations enrich the lives of all who seek guidance, healing and unity.

Long-Term Mission and Vision


The Path aims to be a beacon of spiritual exploration and ecological guardianship, preserving Earth’s wisdom and fostering a community rooted in Sacred Reciprocity and respect for all life.


Our vision is for The Path to become a global haven and learning centre, celebrating the four sacred elements and humanity’s collective wisdom, to inspire and empower a sustainable and enlightened future.


Short-Term Goals: 🌱

  • Secure $40,000 in funding for restoration and renewal efforts.

  • Facilitate virtual gatherings and alternative venue events to continue our mission.

  • Host the 20th anniversary of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers in Santa Fe, New Mexico, alongside the launch of the second edition of ‘Grandmothers’ Wisdom’.

  • Develop a New Membership/Patron Program 

  • Create a website that has The Path, Grandmother Flordemayo and Love and Light in one place or easy navigation to reach them. 

  • Create a clearer concise message 


Long-Term Goals: 🌳

  • Sacred Sanctuary Establishment: Fully restore and enhance The Path as a centre for spiritual awakening and learning.

  • Temple Expansions: Develop new temples, including a Crystal Skull Temple, to deepen our spiritual offerings.

  • Retreat Centres: Establish a Silent Retreat Centre on donated land near Chama, New Mexico. Develop a year-round retreat centre in Northern New Mexico for broader community engagement. Help develop a seed temple in Hawaii and Arizona. 

  • Legacy Building: Ensure The Path’s sustainability and relevance for future Ancestors, honouring Grandmother Flordemayo’s legacy.


Investment Plan for Restoration & Renewal: 💰

  • Hogan & Temple of the Golden Child Restoration: $7,000

  • Water Temple Restoration: $7,000

  • Fire Temple Restoration: $4,000

  • Earth Temple Restoration: $3,000

  • Wind Temple Restoration: $2,000

  • Flagstone Patio Restoration: $5,000

  • Grandfather Rocks Restoration: $2,000

  • Accessibility Improvements: $10,000 (Elderly Friendly and Handicap Accessibility to all Temples and Grounds)

Excess funds will enhance parking areas and invest in renewable energy solutions.


How You Can Help: 🤝

  • Share our vision and mission within your networks to broaden our community of support.

  • Consider a donation towards our restoration and renewal fund.

  • Attend our virtual gatherings to deepen your connection and understanding of The Path.

Your participation, whether through presence, support or spirit, sews the seeds of wisdom for a harmonious and awakened world.

The Path is a spiritual sanctuary, a legacy and a testament to the journey each of us undertakes in search of fulfillment and understanding. As we embrace this period of renewal, we invite you to walk with us, embodying mindfulness and the sacred balance of giving and receiving as we forge a path of healing, unity and reverence for Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

Together, let’s envision and create a future where The Path continues to serve as a beacon of light, wisdom and spiritual sanctuary for generations to come.

You can invest in Grandmother's critical mission by visiting the following

Link to Annual Fundraiser:


Link to PayPal Giving Fund – Path page

Link to become a Member of The Path:


About Grandmother Flordemayo

Flordemayo is a Curandera Espiritu or a healer of divine spirit. As a seer, she has the ability to see other realms of colour, light and sound. In addition, Grandmother Flordemayo has the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on the physical, emotional and spiritual realms within a person’s energy system. As a world traveller, she has offered ceremonies and has spoken on a wide range of topics from healing with the use of herbs to her more recent project, The Seed Temple, located in Estancia, New Mexico.

Being born under the sign of the seed, Flordemayo sees her role as cosmic germinator through teaching, community, manifestation and development. In recent years, Flordemayo has been working with seeds. Specifically, she sees her role as a caretaker of seeds through prayer. In 2012, Flordemayo received a vision during dialogue with the Beloved Mother. In the vision, Flordemayo finds herself sitting in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth, and being guided to prepare seed bundles with prayer. The seed bundles are to be given to the parents of children being born today and those yet to be born in the future.

About The Path

The Path is a non-profit organization housed on a 40-acre property in Estancia, New Mexico, where Grandmother Flordemayo’s Seed Temple and Sacred Temples for Humanity are built and cared for with your help. Thank you for your contribution and blessings of the day to you.

The Seed Temple is the realization of Grandmother Flordemayo’s original vision of a place where the sacred heritage seeds would be protected for future generations. It has existed since 2012 and has served as a source of seed for the local area, such as the Estancia Seed Library, as well as for many individuals in New Mexico and elsewhere. The many gatherings on the site have involved educational classes, sharing of seeds, and celebration of the spirituality carried in the seeds. Kindly note, we do not sell or otherwise monetize the seeds themselves.

Now more than ever it is important that we protect and increase our heritage seeds for the future and for our communities. Much of the diversity of seeds is being lost as fewer people are planting the original seeds, as modern agriculture has turned to genetically modified and patented seed to produce our crops.  The seeds in our collection have come from numerous donations of samples of traditional varieties of corn, beans, squash, grains, vegetables, and herbs.

The Seed Temple is designed as a controlled environment that protects the viability of the seeds stored. From the Seed Temple, many kinds of seeds from our collection have been sent to volunteers who have helped grow and increase them, to keep them strong and to provide a stock source to distribute to others. Working to preserve these seeds gives us a sense of purpose and unity and fosters the relationships in community which are our true wealth.

The mission of The Path is to conserve and distribute seeds for future generations. We meet our mission through seed conservation, education, and collaboration with other organizations.

There is so much more work to be done.  As individuals, our unique gifts are critical.  We can do much, right where we are, with what we have.  We are like sparks that when brought together create a bright shining fire of compassion for all living beings.

We need your help. Can you help me save the seeds for future generations? 

With Gratitude and Blessings,

Grandmother Flordemayo

You can email us at :


Please visit The Path website:


Message from Grandmother Flordemayo

Dearest Brothers and Sisters, Seed Keepers in the Four Directions:

Many people ask What is The Path? The Path is more than a place, it is a spiritual sanctuary, it is a place of prayer, it is a place for ceremony.  We all have our own spiritual path.  Your spiritual path is something that is very personal to yourself, regardless of what you believe in when it comes to everything else in life. … For many, following a spiritual path is like searching for something that makes them complete. That is why I founded The Path. 

To be on a spiritual path means to live mindfully, paying attention to the signs along the road and being conscious of our mind, body, and spirit. To be on a spiritual path means to look inward as often as outward, knowing that the externals of our lives are reflections of our thoughts and words, manifestations of that which we are imagining and energizing into being with the fuel of our passion.

The Path is more than a non-profit, it is more than a seed temple, it is more than the temples for humanity.  This is my legacy for the future generations.  However, it is only sustainable through grassroots fundraising and donors like you. To be honest grassroots donations and membership has dropped sharply in the last two years due to the pandemic.  We are facing a budget shortfall as we move into 2022.  

We are asking for you to chip in monthly, or make a one time tax-deductible donation.  If you can’t donate, share our fundraiser or the messages on my Grandmother Flordemayo Facebook Page and Instagram Page, The Path and Love and Light posts and messages all help.

When you adopt a crystal skull, purchase an item from Love and Light or the Facebook Store you are helping The Path and my Legacy. 

“Bring the love and light and blessings into your spiritual path everyday.”

Love and Light,

Grandmother Flordemayo

You can invest in this critical mission and help preserve the Path by:

Link to Annual Fundraiser:



Link to become a Member of The Path:



If you want to send a check please send to 

The Path 

3103 N. Maywood Avenue

Boise, ID 83704


Making a one time donation 



via PayPal Giving Fund:



Check if your employer Matches end of year donations:


A Free Gift of Gratitude from The Path & Grandmother Flordemayo

Mother Earth Handout



A Special Invitation for You

Grandmother Flordemayo’s Sacred Wisdom Circle

All year of 2022 meeting bi-monthly


Spending time with the Creator in prayer is essential for us to continue our spiritual journey – Through prayer we can help each other in a powerful and effective way.  When we send our voices into the four directions we are sending loving thoughts. Prayers are palpable. They are real. They are potent carriers of our messages. When they are combined with the most powerful forces in the universe – love, and light. Prayer is our conversation with the Creator and prayer helps us develop a personal, meaningful relationship with the Creator.  

This will be a powerful and timely virtual spiritual circle for healing, unity, an awakening in all of our lives at this pivotal moment on Earth. This program is ultimately a sacred space to replenish your soul with the light and love of generations of Mayan and Indigenous healing traditions and wisdom, and the support of like-minded people who believe in the power of simple things such as kindness, sharing freely, and connecting with the divine that exists in all.

The circle, called Grandmother Flordemayo’s Sacred Wisdom Circle: Receive Divinely Inspired Prayers, Rituals, & Ancient Wisdom

… will gather for 90 minutes on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

To find out more and register please use this link below.

Subscribe here for Grandmother Flordemayo’s Sacred Wisdom Circle: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/swcF/Farfel/

Follow Grandmother Flordemayo on Social Media

Lots of free and inspirational sharings!

Grandmother Flordemayo Facebook


Grandmother Flordemayo Instagram


Grandmother Flordemayo Twitter


Grandmother Flordemayo YouTube


Grandmother Flordemayo Pinterest


Grandmother Flordemayo Website


The Path Website


Love and Light Website
