Featured Contributor

Sally Middleton

About Sally

Sally Middleton is lifelong deep voyager into the wisdom of the Body, its expression and life force. Having worked in the corporate world and studied in a wide variety of healing traditions, she now works at the heart of the Gene Keys organisation, where she is co-designer of programme and business development. With her creative flair and empathic relational skills, Sally is a catalyst for creating synergy wherever she goes. Her greatest love is for the earth, its creatures and humanity, and she has devoted her life to serving the great vision of bringing harmony and coherence to all beings.


Her personal healing journey opened up during her thirties after a life changing car accident that left her life in tatters and with long term spinal and neurological complications. She has journeyed long and deep, energetically weaving magic between the healing arts, shamanic practice, the business world and community life.

She’s learned to trust and live from her intuitive nature and creative potential, navigating life through attuning to the intelligence of her nervous system, loving heart and playful spirit. She loves to share ideas, to inspire, to use her clarity of mind to ground a vision through creative collaboration. She’s in her element working in small teams, at the heart of a project, one to one and preferably in the physical world.

She has her main home close to the Scottish Highlands and travels to the South of England for quality time with loved ones.

Sallys is a creative collaborator in the Dream Arc team. You can follow some of ‘Sallys Stories’ here and connect with more of them in the course.