Featured Contributor - Dream Arc

Tsanka Alexandrova

Learn More about Tsanka and other Gene Keys Bulgaria Creators


A Message from Tsanka

Exiopeya is one of the songs of my soul! A tender memory from a previous Me!

A Reminder… a Call… an Impulse… and Love…

There was a wonderful movie called “Chocolate.” When the main heroine in it felt the call of the wind, she followed. I’m a little like her. If I feel that Inner Call, I give myself to it.

Once The Call appeared and enchanted me, and together, we began creating goddesses, shamans and amulets.

Even this evening, as I look out my window at the Moon all aglow, it feels as if She — just like me — is trembling in anticipation of what will be born out of the clump of clay in my hands.

Again and again, I experience magic happening. Time stops. Hours turn into timelessness.

And that’s how a Goddess is born!

Welcome to my world full of tenderness and beauty.

Trust this loving energy and if you feel The Call, don’t be afraid to follow it!

Thank you!