Featured Wisdom Keeper

Wolf Martinez

Part 1: All Our Relations

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Part 2: Sharing about Two Spirit

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A Message from Wolf Martinez

I laugh loudly and cry loudly too, and I hope that doesn’t alarm you. First and formost, I am a human being – two-legged. I dance, and I attempt to walk lightly on our Mother Earth, and I fall sometimes. I am on a journey of discovery, expansion, and I seek to see joy and love in everything!

I have grown leery of titles and labels and use them reluctantly to describe some of the ways I enjoy living life following Spirit’s guidance. I have found these titles limiting of my whole self and sometimes set up expectations which potentially create barriers to living and connecting to the authentic heart of all and the circle of life, which, as far as I can see, is so much of the purpose. 

If there is such a thing as purpose, I teach, yes, but am not a teacher – there is really only one of those. So, I am a student and learn from life. For these reasons, writing bios or attempting to describe my work, much less myself, is difficult for me and one of my least favorite things to do. It is all a story that is in constant change, so I’ve found it much easier to welcome that! Who knows, maybe tomorrow everything I’m about to write here will be outdated and I may have a new perspective!

I am supported in the current system by practiaing as a healer that has been greatly influenced by my passionate studies of shiatsu, breathwork and indigenous/shamanic approaches to medicine. I have developed my practice for almost 20 years, which I call ‘Transformational Body Therapy’. I facilitate retreats, gatherings and intensives. I serve also as a ceremonialist, running sweat lodges, vision quests, commitment ceremonies, cleansings and so on.

I have been so very blessed to be able to practise and bring the medicine of the gifts passed on to me across this country and internationally as well. I’m now really bored writing about myself. I hope this brings a bit of flavour to my story (which is definitely much more spicy) and that you feel somewhat acquainted with me. If you have ANY questions, great, please ask! That inspires me, because I also enjoy telling stories, which I have many! I know you too have many great stories, and I love very, very much hearing those! So, I have stepped out and now would like to invite you to meet me and let me hear you. Your turn! Thanks so much for visiting! 

Mitakuye Oyasin, Wolf