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How to use Discussion Forums

Discussion Threads

  • Open your Group – it will automatically begin on the “Discussions” tab
  • Click “New Discussion” to begin a new thread (see forum guidelines)
  • Click the Title of a Thread to open up that particular discussion and read / reply
  • Click Subscribe for email notifications of all posts from this forum or specific discussion thread
  • Click the “Favorite” button to mark a thread as a discussion you would like to follow and get Bell Notifications on new replies
  • Manage your Favorites & Subscriptions from your Profile Page –> Forums Tab

Replying to Discussion Threads

  • Once inside a particular discussion thread, click “Reply” to comment on the original post
  • You can also create “nested threads” by commenting on another person’s comment.
  • To reply to another comment, use the “three little dots” menu option and click “reply” to a specific comment
  • Scroll down to read all responses on the current discussion thread

Can I edit or delete my Discussion Threads or Replies?

You may edit your discussion thread or reply for up to 2 hours after you initially posted the response. To edit, click the “three little dots” icon next to your thread to open up more options, and select edit.

At this time you cannot delete a reply or discussion thread. Please be thoughtful and courteous with your use of the discussion forum system. If you feel any post needs to be deleted, please email with a direct URL to the post in question.