3-Month Online Retreat begins July 15th, 2024

The retreat has begun!

Please contact our Support Team if you are having technical difficulties with your retreat registration

The Current Retreat is Closed

We will announce future online retreats on the Dream Arc Newsletter!

Please contact our Support Team if you are having technical difficulties with your retreat registration

Join Richard Rudd, Rosy Aronson, Matthew Ashdown and a village full of guest contributors on a rich and highly unique journey designed to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect you to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures.

With weekly live events and inspirational resources our online retreats offer rich experiences for deep personal and collective contemplation.

Join Richard Rudd, Rosy Aronson, Matthew Ashdown and a village full of guest contributors on a rich and highly unique journey designed to expand your creativity, unlock your intuitive wisdom and connect you to the deep ancestral power of the earth and her creatures.

With weekly live events and inspirational resources our online retreats offer rich experiences for deep personal and collective contemplation.

The Dream Arc prepares us for a new world in which your life becomes filled with mystique, where every creature is a living symbol of a divine truth that lives within...

What you will discover...

  • Expand your creative potential and unlock whole new arenas of passion, purpose and vision in your life

  • See which animals come to you, in your waking life and in dreams, and decipher their empowering messages and meanings

  • Hone your intuition like a laser, to increase lucidity, decision-making and build a deep trust in the flow of events in the world

  • Root out old and deeply-embedded unconscious fears, facing ancestral trauma with courage and compassion

  • Learn to navigate the various levels of brain frequencies (beta, alpha, theta, delta), enhancing dream recall and opening new neural pathways

Features include...

  • Full lifetime access to the Dream Arc online course

  • Creative offerings from hundreds of collaborators, musicians and Indigenous wisdom keepers

  • The Dream Arc Codex - decode the secret meanings of 192 creatures

  • Live Webinars and Q&A sessions with Rosy Aronson and Richard Rudd

  • Live Dream Pod calls to share within a global community

What is an online retreat and how does it work?

The Dream Arc Retreat hums along in the background of our busy lives, enhancing our view of our relationships and shining a compassionate lens on some of our more challenging patterns.

Participants will follow our powerful online self study course (a minimum of 15 minutes a day or 2 hours a week, over a three month period), gently integrating this wisdom into their everyday lives.

By the end of the voyage, most people witness major beneficial changes in their relationships.

Live Webinars with Q&A

Join Dream Arc creators Richard Rudd & Rosy Aronson live or watch the replay anytime.

Dream Pod Community Calls

Experience the magic of collective contemplation - share with fellow voyagers in online breakout rooms

Weekly Guidance

Stay in the rhythm of each month's contemplation with helpful reminders and inspiring prompts

Private Group Forum

Share and connect with other Dream Arc journeyers through a private member directory & forum

Preview the Retreat Schedule

You can choose your level of participation in the retreat and enjoy ongoing access to all replays.

Live Webinars with Q&A

Join Dream Arc creators Richard Rudd & Rosy Aronson live or watch the replay anytime.

Dream Pod Community Calls

Experience the magic of collective contemplation - share with fellow voyagers in online breakout rooms

Weekly Guidance

Stay in the rhythm of each month's contemplation with helpful reminders and inspiring prompts

Private Group Forum

Share and connect with other Dream Arc journeyers through a private member directory & forum

Preview the Retreat Schedule

You can choose your level of participation in the retreat and enjoy ongoing access to all replays.

Come down the wormhole!

Here we have gathered various free resources to help you get to the essence of the Dream Arc. Please also join us for some free events leading up to the retreat, for a chance to meet Richard & Rosy and experience the Dream Arc magic first hand.

Hear from others about the Dream Arc...

Meet your Hosts

And our growing community of hosts & contributors!

Online Retreat Registration

%20 discount for newcomers until May 6th, 2024

Registration closes July 15th, 2024

Scholarship Applications are open until July 1, 2024. More info here.

The first 500 people to enter will have a tree planted in their honor!

Scholarship Applications are open until July 1 2024. More info here.

No previous experience or understanding of the Gene Keys or the Dream Arc is required. This retreat is great for newcomers and returning voyagers alike!

The Dream Arc is accessible to anyone, including those who have no experience or interest in the Gene Keys. The Dream Arc does not use astrology, or a profile of any kind. You can explore the rich and diverse resources of this course without ever knowing what a Gene Key is!

The Dream Arc can also be incredibly enriching to seasoned explorers of the Gene Keys, and we hope to see a beautiful collaboration between long time voyagers and newcomers alike.
At a minimum, we recommend 2 hours per week which is only 15 minutes a day.

For each week's resources, we will provide suggestions for essential viewing and optional materials for deeper dreaming to help you prioritize your time.

The core of this retreat is to bring alive your intuition and connection to nature inside your everyday life. This will be different for every person!

It is not necessary to attend all of the live events to still have a powerful and transformational Dream Arc experience. However, these teachings come alive when we gather together to contemplate. So please take some time to review the retreat calendar, and try to attend at least one of each type of session per month.

Webinars and Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for replay. Dream Pod calls may not be recorded due to the personal sharings and breakout rooms, but the general practices and resources provided in those live events will be shared before and after the call for those unable to attend live. We've provided 6 possible time slots for these Dream Pod Community Calls to help adapt to different parts of the world. You only need to attend one of these six options per month to get the benefit, but you are welcome to join as many as you like!

Whether you are able to attend many of these events or only a few, this retreat is designed to integrate into your daily life. Take time each day to pause, breathe, and let the wisdom of the Dream Arc come into your awareness. This is YOUR contemplative journey of self-illumination.
Nope! You will have everything you need included in your retreat registration.

This retreat walks alongside the Dream Arc online course, which is included in your registration if you did not already have access.

There is no printed book at this time, but there will be resources in your online course to print some of these assets for offline use.

You will need to download Zoom onto your device to participate in the live Q&A sessions and breakout sessions, but this is not required to watch the replays.

Though you are welcome to join in conversations on external social networks such as Clubhouse, Facebook, and Mighty Networks this is not required for the online retreat. We will not be hosting official retreat communications on any platform other than genekeys.com and email to your inbox. There is a private forum system hosted on genekeys.com where you can continue conversations based on the Dream Arc right from this website.

Please note that genekeys.com uses Vimeo to embed videos and resources. If your country does not allow Vimeo due to firewall restrictions, you may not be able to see all resources. Audio only versions will be made available throughout the retreat
Though we are a relatively small team, we are connected to many around the globe and always strive to provide as many resources and tools as we can to our amazingly diverse community.

This particular retreat will be in English only. Though we do hope to see more resources being developed and shared in other languages over time.

For accessibility, we do enable transcripts & CC during live zoom events. We also provide edited subtitles on all video replays, though it may take an extra few days to a week to get the subtitles added.

This journey is a rich visual and audio journey, so we hope there is something for everyone no matter your background or physical attributes! Most videos can also be enjoyed as audio only experiences.

We aim to make our website more and more accessible for our low-vision and blind community members.

If you ever have trouble navigating something, have a suggestion for better accessibility, or would like any additional support please let us know.
Is this therapy?

Nope! While the Dream Arc is a profound set of teachings and experiences, it is not therapy. Please take time to reach out to professional therapeutic resources in your area if you feel you need this level of support in your life.

The artistic and contemplative practices in the Dream Arc can provide amazing insights, and you can find a supportive community of fellow voyagers waiting to share their stories and breakthroughs with you inside the private forums.

Is this shamanism?

The Dream Arc touches into the innate wisdom, compassion and creativity within all living beings. Many shamanic traditions and practices share similar themes, however this course in itself is not claiming to be shamanic. Nor is it represented as a particular lineage of Indigenous wisdom.

In creating this online course and bringing together these many streams of global wisdom, we have consistently striven to be sensitive to the many beautiful traditions and lineages that the Dream Arc touches.

Our goal is to represent clearly our own cultural history, as well as the teachings and teachers that have informed us along our journey. Rather than dive specifically into certain traditions whose lineages we are not part of, we have taken a more global view and sought to find the grand themes and patterns that lie behind many different traditions and lineages.

Our primary source of inspiration is derived from nature herself, and the interaction of our imagination and intuition with nature.

The Dream Arc is a framework for Synthesis, and a true Synthesis celebrates the diversity inherent in unity. The Dream Arc provides a framework for this mystery to unfold in each of our lives. In the modern world of today, our own lineages, teachers and traditions are constantly meeting those of others. We are thus privileged to be able to explore many teachings and each of us will synthesise these inside us in our own unique way. There cannot be any single grand synthesis of all the wisdom traditions of the world. Such a thing would be a horrific aberration. The beauty of a single tradition or lineage lies in its intactness. The mystery of Synthesis therefore lies in individual creativity and open-hearted dialogue within community. This is the point of the ancient traditions in the first place – to bring us together in harmony to care for each other and our environment.

As part of our commitment to the above, we have invited Wisdom Keepers from various traditions to share their stories with us within this course. In each instance, and with all our contributors, they own the rights to these interviews and have kindly given us permission to share them. We hope that many people will therefore find, explore and support the generosity of these teachers and lineages, wherever they feel a strong resonance. It is a privilege for us to thus act as a bridge between you and these various wisdom traditions.
In creating this online course and bringing together these many streams of global wisdom, we have consistently striven to be sensitive to the many beautiful traditions and lineages that the Dream Arc touches.

Our goal is to represent clearly our own cultural history, as well as the teachings and teachers that have informed us along our journey. Rather than dive specifically into certain traditions whose lineages we are not part of, we have taken a more global view and sought to find the grand themes and patterns that lie behind many different traditions and lineages.

Our primary source of inspiration is derived from nature herself, and the interaction of our imagination and intuition with nature.

Click here for more information about the Dream Arc approach to cultural sensitivity.
Please review all of our frequently asked questions about online retreats here.

Or if your question is still not answered, feel free to write to our Support Team here.

During the Dream Arc Initiation Retreat, everyone gets a full week to honour a special moment in their journey through a unique Ritual. Rituals can be extremely simple and take no more than a few minutes. They can also be elaborate, or something in-between. It's completely up to each person to feel into what's right for them. When it comes to the Dream Arc, there are no rules!


Because many Dream Arc participants have full lives and varied schedules, there is no webinar during Ritual Week.

While we do provide support, guidance and inspiring ideas for our Dream Arc journeyers during the webinars leading up to Ritual Week, this protected time ensures that everyone has the breathing space they need to plan, enjoy and digest this sacred aspect of their journey — in the way that works best for them.

Live Webinars with Q&A

Featuring Dream Arc creators Richard Rudd & Rosy Aronson

Experience the mysteries of the Dream Arc come to life through the creative minds and open hearts of your hosts Richard & Rosy. Every other week there will be a new opportunity to join a live Zoom Webinar including the opportunity for submitting questions and sharing in the live chat.

Webinars will last approximately 90 minutes. These sessions will be recorded and available for replay. You will retain ongoing access to all replays even after the end of the retreat

Dream Pod Community Calls

Throughout the retreat, you will be invited to share in your stories, experiences and insights with fellow journeyers in intimate breakout rooms. In these smaller ‘Dream Pod’ rooms we get to model the beautiful indigenous custom of ’embracing the stranger as friend’.

Many participants find that these calls can be quite powerful and engaging, and they are regarded as a highlight of our online retreats. Here you will get to share and be witnessed in your own authentic journey, while also holding space for others. Though it might feel intimidating for some, take a leap and experience the magic of this amazing global community!

Each 90-minute community call will have six timezone options to choose from. You may attend several events, though you may need to register ahead of time due to zoom room capacity. Your hosts will share important values & agreements for these calls, to make this a safe and inclusive experience. Due to the nature of these intimate breakout sessions, these calls will NOT be recorded.

Each 90-minute community call will have six timezone options to choose from. You may attend several events, though you may need to register ahead of time due to zoom room capacity. Your hosts will share important values & agreements for these calls, to make this a safe and inclusive experience. Due to the nature of these intimate breakout sessions, these calls will NOT be recorded.

Weekly Guidance

Email Reminders & Inspiring Resources

Our online retreats move with a rhythm to support our collective contemplation. Each week, you will receive an inspirational email to your inbox, with reminders of the upcoming live events, and guidance for your current contemplation. The Dream Arc hums along in the background of our busy lives. You do not need to attend every live event to experience a breakthrough. Everyone is encouraged to find their own level of commitment within the course materials.

To support this we will divide the course into layers of Essential Resources & Deeper Dreaming.

We do recommend taking at least 2-3 hours per week to explore the essential resources or by attending the live events offered throughout the retreat. This level of sustained commitment can have a profound impact on your life.

Dream Arc Forums & Directory

We aim to provide a safe space for anyone in this retreat to be able to share their breakthroughs, insights, discoveries, or artistic expression within a community of like-minded and open-hearted beings.

Though there are many social networks and media platforms you may choose to express yourself and find others in your community, this private group forum and member directory is available to all participants of the Dream Arc online course.

Whether you post on the forum regularly, or you only check the activity feed every now and again, this will be a place reserved for your Dream Arc contemplations and stories. This group is voluntary to join, and you can control your level of account privacy at any time.

You can also find and connect with others in the global Dream Arc community. Simply view the private member directory, and "Request to Connect".

Like friendship requests on other platforms, this will allow you to meet and exchange messages with others from around the world.

In previous retreats, participants have found life-long friends and continued to contemplate and co-create in their own groups long after the retreat ends.

Meet your Guide

Rosy Aronson, Ph.D.

Rosy Aronson is an inspirational artist, author and teacher with a Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy and a Doctorate in Intuitive Listening & the Creative Arts. Her life's work is to provide empowering tools and experiences for people to awaken their Inner Wisdom and bloom into their authentic selves. A lucid night-time dreamer and an extraordinary empath, Rosy has created many rich, fun and transformative offerings, including books, courses, art, film, various global philanthropic projects, as well as the globally-loved Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck.

Our Hosts & Contributors

It takes a village!

We are so grateful to all of the amazing people around the world who have already contributed their art, music, poetry and presence to the Dream Arc. Inside this course and retreat you will find countless videos, songs, and art pieces from our global village of Dream Arc contributors. Your retreat will be held by the compassionate and playful support of the Gene Keys Events team and Dream Pod Hosts.