Your Unifier Allies

My Gift to You - Leadership

I come to free you from your own conditioning, and to make you aware of just how much you still care about what others think. Be honest with yourself. Where—and with whom—are you being arrogant? How are you still spinning the truth in order to be admired, respected or to gain more power? It is through wisening up to these tendencies, no matter how subtle, that your true capacity for Leadership is born. It is time to recognize the limitations of your own intellect. True Leadership does not require a superior mind, or the recognition that you are a Leader. It doesn’t require that you always know what you’re going to say. It is not even about finding and projecting your own voice. It is about listening deeply to others and using your voice to represent theirs. No matter what you do, whether you are speaking, writing or creating, do it with Humility and heart.

My Wisdom Story

My father and his father preserved the peaceful traditions of my people, stayed close to the land and led through their presence, not their words. But when I was young, I was kidnapped by the State and forced into a boarding school run by the Church. They taught me that my people were heathens, and that our way of life was no good.

Over time, as my spirit broke, I deferred my power to the teachers and eventually forgot the ways of my people. I thought, spoke and acted like the white man. Years later, when I returned to myvillage,Ilookeduponmypeoplescornfullyandwithpity. Iarrogantly believed that if they wanted to survive and put an end to their suffering, they needed to drop the old ways and join the rest of the world. I addressed my people, infusing my speech with feigned humility and native phrases. I spun a tale of future promise and prosperity, if only they would follow me.

As I spoke, I felt confident and special. My father and grandfather just sat in silence. When it came time for my people to follow me out of the reservation and into the future, no one moved. Instead, they looked to my father and grandfather for guidance—two men who had no interest in arguing or imposing their agenda on anyone.

As my grandfather spoke on behalf of the community, in simple yet potent words, I was hit by a deluge of pain and humility. I hadn’t scratched the surface of my people’s reality, or my own suffering. Why on earth would they want to follow me? I went on to spend years listening to and recording the stories of my people— the elders, the people who had also been torn from their homes and put in boarding schools, the women, the children. It wasn’t until many years later, long after I had given up on wanting to be a leader, that I found myself sharing these stories in a way that moved the hearts of the white man, and inspired my people to participate in their own liberation.

Questions for Contemplation

  • Do you lead in the spirit of Humility and service?

  • Think of a leader in your life, or in the world, for whom you have great respect. What qualities do you most appreciate in this leader? What is one thing you can do today to be more like this person?

Your Wisdom Keeper has led you to visit the Wild Dog...

The Wild Dog

We are the Wild Dogs. Over generations and generations, we have learned the greatest of secrets – that when we work together, things can be achieved that cannot be done when alone. We are Unifiers. If we have come into your life now, you need to turn your energies to working with others. How does one find one’s true allies in life? Turn your attention to relationships where trust and truth prevails. Without those two, there will always be weakness. Wherever you feel the energy of devotion, there too, destiny is at work. Look at your relationships within the communities you are part of. Where do you not feel recognised? There is not a good place to use your energy. There, the dream can never fully manifest. Do not be tempted by the trappings of a relationship – work only where you find openness and adaptability.