Your Unifier Allies

My Gift to You - Preservation

This may not make sense, but it is true. When you refuse to receive, you are being selfish. If you truly long to experience success, then you must let go of the entire concept of success and failure. It is not your desire for money or outer recognition that you need to overcome; it is your fear of failure. I am here to encourage you to trust your instincts and reach beyond your comfort zone. The Gift of Preservation is all about preserving Life itself, not just yourself. It requires that you learn from and ground yourself in the wisdom of your ancestors. It also asks you not to be afraid to learn and invest in something new, or to receive from those who inspire you. It’s time to look at your life and determine what and who are worthy of your energy, and good for the whole. See what you want to keep alive. And honor that with your whole heart.

My Wisdom Story

My younger brother and I were both trained in the sacred medicine tradition. We lived side by side in the rainforest, each with our own simple camp. We always shared everything we had and served the same local community, until a foreigner came to one of my brother’s ceremonies, and was so transformed by the experience that he spread the word far and wide about my brother’s healing powers. Soon people started flying in from all over the world to work with my brother.

At first I was happy for him. But over time, I watched his small camp turn into a retreat center, and watched him travel to distant countries to share our medicine and tradition with strange people who knew nothing about our ways. He brought back objects and healing practices I didn’t recognize. Even the way he pruned, weeded and brewed the medicine seemed new. His plants thrived in ways that made me feel uncomfortable.

A constriction and anger took hold of my chest. I believed this was because he was betraying our ancestors, and that it was my job to preserve the traditions. When my students showed curiosity about my brother, I acted like a true fundamentalist, forbidding them from visiting his Center, warning them against his tainted ways. When my brother reached out to me with gifts, I refused them. Until he gave up.

My community shrank like my heart. Slowly, my medicine began to lose its potency; my prayers stopped working; the animals stopped communicating with me. I felt disjointed. I was as cut off from the Great Creator as I was from my brother.

Sensing my soul’s suffering, he reached out to me one last time. I was shocked to see the pain in his eyes. It had never occurred to me that his soul was also suffering. He had been missing me, my love and guidance, and he feared I had rejected and disapproved of everything he did. It was then I realized that my own fear of failure had blinded me to my brother’s humanity. I took his hand in mine, and ever since, we’ve been each other’s teacher, student and best friend. Our community and medicine are thriving.

Questions for Contemplation

  • Find a place in your life where you’ve been resisting change. Write down what you appreciate most about how things are. Then find a way to breathe new life and Spirit into the old routine.  

Your Wisdom Keeper has led you to visit the Beaver...

The Beaver

I am the Beaver. I teach the art of how to tame the creative evolutionary impulse. Creativity is the greatest power in the universe. Whatever you wish to create, you may create it, no matter its effect on the whole. This is the great freedom you wield. Of course, in time you will learn that working with others, for the sake of others, always leads to prosperity for all and therefore great joy for yourself. True determination is therefore not an individual phenomenon but a group energy. It takes a group to build the necessary dams, viaducts and flow paths for the Great Current. The question for you is therefore this: whom do you trust enough to work with? This is never about skills. The wrong person with the right skills will lead to a loss of energy and eventually a failed endeavour. The right person is the right person, regardless of their skills.