The Messengers

with Richard Rudd

The Dream Arc is alive and is communicating with us through its creatures. When you truly switch on and plug in to the Dream Arc, there is a treasure of information to explore, digest and contemplate. It is good to be aware of the potential of getting caught up in fantasy, though, and perhaps getting lost in it, ’Oh, the robin told me I must shave my head!’ Of course, the true messages that come to us are deeper and more profound than that! They could be messages of love or encouragement, or a message where the creature delivers something that we need, whether it be a skill, a habit, a strategy, a way of seeing something differently or of adapting to a situation, or a clue or a secret that will change your behaviour so that you can harmonise more with your life. This is the real role of the Messengers.
Take the Cockerel, the first of the Messenger birds. It represents the Divine Masculine, the Yang, the rooster and the ‘cock-a-doodle-doo!’ that greets the dawn, the beginning of the light, the Yang light of the sun. It has a simple message about looking at your life and finding beauty everywhere, even in ugliness. What a message that is! Do you need any other message than that? That’s a message for life. 
The cockerel will say to you, ‘Get up! Come and join me before dawn and meet three sunrises. Then you will understand the mystery of the charm of three times.’ The task given is to watch three sunrises in a row. This will unlock the message of the cockerel and then you will receive the understanding. Sometimes the Messengers will ask you to go into their environment, into their habitat and into their behaviour, in order to unlock the message that they bring. It’s not just that they come and deliver it – you have to work for it. You have to do something to get the message and then you’ve earned it. Sometimes we have to dive in to find it out.
In Tibet, they have a tradition called Terma, which means ‘hidden treasure’. Messages which were dropped in the past by great teachers sit waiting to be retrieved in the future, usually by their students. This is a tradition and belief in Tibet, but it’s not only local to there. It’s an ancient understanding that many of us are here to retrieve particular messages that were seeded in the distant past. 
Perhaps we originally came from some other epoch, or from a star system before this current planet was even here and we have to retrieve that energy, that essence, that message, and then reflect it through our life in some way, in this time. It’s not that we have to say, ‘Oh, I’m channelling the Pleiades,’ or the like. It’s that you are here to live that energy and bring it within yourself, and embody that soul essence in the world. But I would counsel you to think twice before you share widely about it and say that you’re from this place or that place. There’s an old belief and wizard’s law that if you give away your true name you will also give away your power, and there are things that you will want to be careful to keep to yourself or keep to the very few who can understand these things. 
In the Terma tradition, the termas are treasures, messages that were left in the earth, perhaps buried by ancestors or left there by elemental creatures as part of the earth’s secret message system. These messages can be unlocked by visiting certain places, which I explore further in the Journeyers. Yet, here in the Messengers, which are connected to the Journeyers quite closely, the messages come not just from place but also from time. Thus, the Messengers will come to us at specific times in our lives to bring us their wisdom.

The above is an excerpt from ‘Explore the Habitat – Messengers’ by Richard Rudd, available in the Dream Arc here.Â