Test drive the new profiler

Sneak peek of the Star Pearl











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  • 出生地がリストに無い場合は、同じタイムゾーン内の近隣市を選んでください。

• If you cannot find your city, you might consider alternate spelling possibilities. For example, St. is the abbreviation for Saint, so if you search for “St” and do not see your birth city, try searching for “Saint” instead. If you still do not see the correct option, please let us know by reaching out to support@genekeys.com.

New to the Gene Keys? Try this free mini-course!

Here you can open a free account, generate your profile and step-by-step guidance through three of your unique Gene Keys.

The Golden Path

A Step by Step Guide to Your Profile

The Golden Path Program offers simple step-by-step guidance to engage with the Gene Keys Wisdom in your life. This program describes in detail how to decode your profile, describing each Line, Sphere, and Pathway. Your self-illuminating journey begins here.

How to read your profile

Free Introductory Resources

Here we provide a basic description of each of the sections of your profile. These free introductory resources can get you started. For full information for how to decode your profile explore the online courses, starting with the Activation Sequence.

Language Hubs

Translated Resources & Community

Here we provide a directory of Mother language hubs offering translated resources from our global partners. If you are interested in exploring the Gene Keys in a language other than English, this is a great way to find community resources in your language.

Get the Triple Flame

Join the Pulse

Mystical Meditations

Inspiring Videos

New to the Gene Keys?

Try some of these amazing free resources and begin your voyage today...

Get the Triple Flame

Join the Pulse

Mystical Meditations

Inspiring Videos

Activation Sequence Online Retreat

Four-month deep dive into genius

Online Retreat (March 31 – July 28, 2025)

Join forces with Mark Bentley and Jesse Chesnutt along with a vibrant global community, as we delve into the mysteries and marvels of your higher purpose. With weekly live events and inspirational resources our online retreats offer rich experiences for deep personal and collective contemplation.

Register by February 24th for 10% off during early bird registration!

The Star Pearl

Introducing The Star Pearl, an immersive transformational tool that brings the spiritual, relational and material aspects of life into coherence and harmony. By combining your Gene Keys Profile with a powerful new self-assessment tool that measures your life as a whole, the Star Pearl puts the art of contemplation into action.

Whether you’re new to The Gene Keys or a seasoned voyager, the Star Pearl is your gateway to a more harmonic, prosperous and interconnected life. Join the first wave of 2025 to engage in monthly webinars with Richard Rudd and track your progress alongside a global community of pioneers and changemakers.

The Star Pearl

Introducing The Star Pearl, an immersive transformational tool that brings the spiritual, relational and material aspects of life into coherence and harmony. By combining your Gene Keys Profile with a powerful new self-assessment tool that measures your life as a whole, the Star Pearl puts the art of contemplation into action.

Whether you’re new to The Gene Keys or a seasoned voyager, the Star Pearl is your gateway to a more harmonic, prosperous and interconnected life. Join the first wave of 2025 to engage in monthly webinars with Richard Rudd and track your progress alongside a global community of pioneers and changemakers.