Gene Keys Guide

Anamaria Aristizabal

Joyfully manifest your bravest and most creative life

Anamaria supports people in their journey of empowerment and self-development to live an authentic and visionary life of purpose in alignment with their gifts, passion, and deeper calling. She serves as an Master Integral Coach, Author of an award winning book “Life Re-Vision”, and founder/leader of a school and community called Re-Vision Academy.

Anamaria experienced a monumental life re-vision after her double masters in business and environment from Yale and prestigious jobs at McKinsey, the World Bank, and the Colombian government. As a former biologist, her work is full of metaphors from nature to remind us of our place in the web of life. Anamaria participates in various organizations promoting inner and social transformation, and lives with her husband in the Aldeafeliz Ecovillage, outside of Bogotá, Colombia, an intentional and ecological community she co-founded in 2006. She is also a singer songwriter and artist coming out of the closet.

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