Gene Keys Guide

Andrea Walker

Business Clarity Guide for Entrepreneurs and Creatives

I am a Business Clarity Guide for entrepreneurs, coaches, and creatives and I absolutely love supporting my clients to create massive impact in their businesses and lives by working with archetypal wisdom systems.

I am passionate about supporting my clients to reconnect to their inner voice and deep soul purpose, so that they can take action to realize their soul mission as light workers and spiritual entrepreneurs!

I spent a decade as a Wellness Coach and that work has now evolved to include how we see ourselves and our journey through this beautiful gift of life. I guide my conscious entrepreneur clients into the deep wisdom of the Gene Keys, integrated with other release modalities, to help them accelerate the creation of their unique prosperity and step fully into their work here on Earth.

I offer the Gene Keys work as part of my programs to help catalyze inner evolution to create outer change. I am so honored and grateful to be a part of the Gene Keys community!