Gene Keys Guide
I was raised by very early age with the wisdom of the I Ching, astrology and Buddhism.
In my quest to be free I have traveled the world: having met many original spiritual teachers/cultures and getting to know and practiced many methods.
In 2016 I came to know the Gene Keys and more then ever I started to follow the path within. Contemplating my hologenetic profile I discovered what kept me away from being free.
I embraced the shadows, brought my gifts to life. Bringing my highest gifts alive to serve others in an authentic way.
Now life is so much easier and fulfilling. I feel so blessed to have come across this magical teachings of Richard Rudd. Eternally grateful
What I am offering you is the Art of Contemplation and the Gene Keys wisdom in sessions/groups/retreats.
Teaching people how to balance themselves in their lives and work
Guiding them back into their precious bodies by pausing and feeling and loving themselves.
I have my own practice in Amsterdam, also offering Trager® sessions, specialized in head/throat/opening of the heart and deep, soft belly work
In 2024 I will be teaching Kum Nye Skillful means in person and in company.
Languages Spoken: Nederlands (Dutch), English
Gene Keys Courses: Art of Contemplation, Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence, Pearl Sequence, Seven Sacred Seals, Dare to be Divine, Epiphany Experience, Dream Arc, The Delta
Interests: Birth – Death – Rebirth, Business, Family Relations, I Ching, Meditation, Myth, Nature, Somatic Awareness, Women’s Work, Trager
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