Gene Keys Guide

Anthony Sosa

GK Profile Sessions & Neurosculpting GK Meditations

To be a Guide is to be walking this sacred journey of life alongside you as a fellow traveler. As a Guide I devote my life to walking the walk as the path of embodiment of wisdom and presence. Guidance for me all comes from Wisdom, which is the act of trusting the present moment so deeply such that I can soften in the midst of uncertainty and not knowing. This surrender to the infinite mystery is where magically and paradoxically all knowing spontaneously emerges from between what’s co-created in the relationship of that moment together.

The Gene Keys has profoundly impacted the way I process and move through my life. From the art of contemplation as a lifestyle, the golden path showing the potent mythical themes of my life, feeling the transmission of wisdom move through my body, how I can dance in the transformative and heart-breaking experiences of relationships, to contributing to the synthesis of the Gene Keys by immersing myself in the creation of Neurosculpting meditations for all the Gene Keys.
You and I would be able to practice contemplation together through individual or small group sessions going through your Activation Sequence. As a licensed therapist, I can also support you through the longer term emotional journey of moving through your Venus Sequence. Lastly, I can offer you personally tailored Neurosculpting meditations for your Gene Keys.

Alongside serving my purpose as a transpersonal psychotherapist, Neurosculpting facilitator and a breath teacher, being a Gene Keys Guide is one my truly special services into the heart of wisdom inside you and all of us.

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