Gene Keys Guide

Arzu Zen Cengiz

Dream Arc Enthusiast, Coaching, GK Profile sessions

I am a Manifestor with a 1/3 Profile, born in June 1969. My education is in the fields of Philosophy and Psychology. Nowadays, I am studying and receiving training on epigenetic psychology. My search started with astrology since the day I asked the question that life and life should have a meaning. Since 1999, I have received training on almost every branch of Astrology, I have researched and learned on my own, and I continue to learn. I continue to provide consultancy by blending Astrology and Gene Keys system. I live in Datça, Turkey, with my 15 cats, 3 dogs and my beloved wife.

My life is coded with experiences and passing on the wisdom I have gained through these experiences to others. The last stop in my never-ending search is Gene Keys.
With my website dedicated to the wisdom of Gene Keys.