Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

David Wodtke

Dream Arc, Golden Path, Relationships, Earth Service

As a Gene Keys journeyer since 2010, I understand many of the difficulties that can come up in the beginning, and in fact, at any point on the path. In my roles as a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, I love to share practical tools and insights from my own experience to ease the way to deeper presence and grace.

As a Dreamarc contributor, community host, wayshower, and pathfinder I hold a special commitment and devotion to offering the gift of Core Awareness. It is a unique way to transform difficult emotional patterns which is described by the Butterfly cycle of change and guided by the wisdom of Whale, Spider, Deer and Swan.

Core Awareness may be used independently or applied directly to the golden path Venus sequence to shine a light on our relationships. I use it with the Activation sequence to help unlock the evolutionary challenges of the four prime gifts.

Facilitating the Power of the Pause men’s circle led to my new Quest for Clarity Men’s Energy package, a simple direct way of working with the Core Awareness paradigm designed specifically for men.

I also hold a monthly Full Moon Open Sharing Circle which is a fun place to experiment with Spoken Truth and Deep Listening as a group path of guidance.

For more information about the Circle, individual Core Awareness sessions or men’s work, you may email me directly at with a subject line: Guidance.