Gene Keys Guide
Activating, illuminating, liberating Truth, freeing the Sacred Soul Signature and guiding Sacred Soul Plans to support people in moving through their spiritual curriculum with ease and my superpower, Grace. Uplifting consciousness, standing forward as a Warrior of Light, open-hearted cryer, soul-centered facilitator, space holder, Truth teller, Light caster, story teller. Finally out of the closet as a healer, mystic and the high Priestess I am, after 3 decades of corporate-land and the past decade of ego deaths (plural). I hold an MA in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica (masking as a modern day mystery school). I am the women executive’s spiritual coach and the author of Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You and the host of Spiritual Ambition, the Show. I am just one of the many Light Liberators supporting The Great Change.
To sit with me heart to heart and explore your Hologenetic Profile, schedule your session here:
To learn more about my women’s retreats visit www.
Gene Keys Courses: Art of Contemplation, Activation Sequence, Dare to be Divine
Interests: Business, Coach, Meditation, Psychology, Women’s Work, Writing, Spiritual Psychology
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