Gene Keys Guide

Dr. Kim Clarity

Gene Keys Profile Sessions, Private Retreats

In 1985, after many years of executive management in fine dining restaurants, Dr. Kim found her calling. She stumbled into Marianne Williamson’s “Course in Miracles” lectures in Santa Monica, Ca. and began a lifelong love affair with living spirituality.

From 1999-2009, she was co-founder and Senior Minister of Spiritual Center for Positive Living in Cameron Park, CA. and was a keynote speaker for New Thought Churches, conferences, events and retreats, which led to the launching of “Seeking Clarity Seminars” in 2009. This life changing seminar series was designed to spiritually empower people to turn their lives into artistry and provide career opportunities for coaches and guides.

As an Ordained Doctor of Spiritual Studies from Emerson Theological Institute, and a Master Spiritual Life Coach, Dr. Kim had the honor of guiding countless individuals, families, non-profit organizations, businesses, and learning communities nationwide, to achieve personal transformation, and spiritual integration.

In 2012, she co-founded her second non-profit learning community, Clarity Academy of Spiritual Arts or C.A.S.A., with her beloved wife, Rev Karen Grace.

A Course In Miracles teaches, “Love brings everything unlike itself up to be healed.” In 2015, due to some serious health issues, Dr. Kim entered a much-needed seclusion of self-exploration and healing and discovered Gene Keys and The Golden Path, by Richard Rudd (

In 2020, after 6 years of deep diving into her unprocessed trauma, she learned how to turn shadows into gifts incorporating the foundational teachings of Gene Keys into life as art.

Today, Dr. Kim lives in the forest up in Pollock Pines, CA with her wife, Rev. Karen Grace. Kim enjoys cooking, teaching people how to use food as medicine and is known as Delicious Doula She can be found kayaking in the Alpine mountains in the summer and walking at the lake with her Labradoodle Jai. Music is her medicine. Offerings include special ceremonies, personal and group Deep Dive Retreats, classes and coaching, along with a myriad of creative and musical endeavors.

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