Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Elijah Parker

Holographic Consulting - Golden Path Sessions & Retreat

Elijah Parker is a wizard of many diverse, yet interconnected fields. Talented in both left and right brain modalities, he weaves years of experience in the fields of creative design, mythical storytelling, event production, and intermodal expressive arts. Elijah is a Gene Keys Guide, Ambassador, and a core member of the Gene Keys leadership team. As Head of Creative Projects, he takes a lead role in the design, operations, and content creation for the Gene Keys website, courses, and online retreats.

Elijah has dedicated the last twelve years to integrating the language of the Gene Keys deeply into his life. This has given him a unique ability to transmit profound truths in a spontaneous and elegant manner, sharing reflections from his own personal journey of cultivation and growth, and offering intuitive readings for his clients. As an inspirational speaker and holographic consultant, Elijah supports both individuals and organizations in personal and collective transformation. Elijah has been a lead producer for large-scale virtual events, online courses, and interactive games to inspire mindfulness and magic in the world.

As a Gene Keys Guide, Elijah facilitates both personal and group sessions with the Gene Keys teachings and Hologenetic Profile to support cultivating healthy relationships, activating creative projects, and discovering the gifts inside life’s challenges.

For groups, Elijah provides consultation services both in-person and through online retreats, holding private deep dives for small groups, or specialized workshops to meet the needs of the community. Groupwork includes both individual readings and collective explorations.

Elijah is also available for podcasts, interviews, and creative collaborations by request.


Gene Keys Interviews –

Gene Keys Synthesis Deck (co-created with Amma Li Grace) –

Personal Sessions & Online Retreats –

Instrumental Music –

Cymatic Mandala Animations –

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