Gene Keys Guide

Jennifer Robinson

Delta Programme Enthusiast

Jennifer is a loving wife and mother. She was in a car accident in 2014 and it forever changed the trajectory of her life. She got whiplash. At the time of the accident, she had enormous stress, debt, and she knew her spousal support ( from her previous marriage) was coming to an end. She was a single mom and a late bloomer. At the exact time of the accident, time stood still and stillness was something Jennifer was experiencing infrequently, then. Two doctors said she had moderate foraminal stenosis. One doctor said she should have little stress in her life in order for her neck to heal. After the accident, she had severe pain in her neck whenever she had stress, whereas before the accident she didn’t have any physical pain in her neck when she had stress. That was the start of a journey of learning to live without stress. She had to learn how to manage her energy. Jennifer is a certificated Life Coach and a Gene Key Guide.

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