Gene Keys Guide

Julia Thie

Profile Explorations & Divine Words Embodied Hypnosis

To me, The Gene Keys are an embodied immersion in divine words. A beautiful container of ancient Wisdom that can be approached in many ways. I’m glad to help you navigate the simple and profound way that feels right to you.

My intention is to facilitate deeper connection with your intuition, invite old stuck stories to transform, and permit yourself to celebrate! I’ve seen problems solve themselves in this expanded field for my clients and myself. A perfect marriage of doing and being.

With degrees in Chinese Medicine, Human Performance, and Clinical Hypnotherapy, alongside a lifelong study of herbs, art, and mystical sciences, I’ve been walking my own long and purposeful road of recovery from addiction and trauma. I’ve gathered many tools as I go, and these are tools I love!

On my website, you can schedule online or in-person contemplative profile readings, Golden Path support, or hypnosis sessions. Or, if you just want to figure out where to start, schedule a free discovery call and we’ll have a chat.

I love to work with people who…
~ consider themselves highly sensitive
~ have relationship struggles
~ find it difficult to stay centered
~ are curious to develop a clear purpose
~ feel ready to unleash their creativity

Exploration of the entire Spectrum of Consciousness invites union and realization of unconditional wholeness within ourselves. I invite you to open your inner eyes and ears to the experience of this gentle improvisational healing and let the wonder grow.