Gene Keys Guide
Growing up on the Sunshine Coast of BC, Canada 🍁 was magical! My rural roots run deep, beach time was only rivalled by my forest time and between the two I feel like a perpetual child in both!
I am an Adventuress, healer and teacher.
I am a mother of three and Nana to seven grand babies.
I am a student of unconventional modalities, I’ve studied Psych-k, Emotional Freedom Technique, dabbled in Human Design, deep diving into Gene Keys on the golden path, completed the Guides Program and continue to enrol in the many courses provided by GK.
Professionally I have been a waitress, stay at home mom, a home inspector, photographer, receptionist, volunteer, restaurant owner, bed & breakfast owner, life style coach and my personal favourite job title is Fairy Goddess Mother!
At the very core of who I am, is a woman in action and living my life by my definition on purpose with purpose now that I understand what that is.
Gene Keys Courses: Art of Contemplation, Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence, Pearl Sequence, Dare to be Divine, Dream Arc
Interests: Birth – Death – Rebirth, Coach, Family Relations
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