Gene Keys Guide

Leslie Grover

Intuitive Art Therapist and Gene Key Enthusiast

Hello fellow Wisdom Keepers!

My name is Leslie and I am an Intuitive Art Therapist. I work with people, such as yourself, using creative and expressive arts modalities to connect to your InnerSense through creativity and curiosity. I fell in love with Gene Keys and came to know the keys hold an amazing wisdom which helps us navigate who we are through our own lived experience.

It is my intention to guide you using creative and expressive arts modalities while exploring your Gene Keys to see what is emerging for you. Creating a dance of coming to know who you are through your Shadow and Gift, and learning how this all encompassing wisdom can continue to guide you as you experience the all being Siddhi.

If you are curious how we can work together, feel free to reach out and schedule a meet and greet where we can get to know each other and learn how we can co-create your journey together. I can work with you online and in person in the Cochrane, Alberta area.

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