Gene Keys Guide

Louise Petersen

Purpose, Viriditas, Courses & Sessions, Archetypes

As a Gene Keys Guide Louise Petersen guides you to activate your higher purpose with inspiration in archetypes, fairy tales and mythology which Louise includes in her Gene Keys guiding. Holding a space of presence, patience, courage and trust is the foundation for Louise’s guidance.

One of the many great gifts that Gene Keys has brought into Louise’s life is the deep wisdom in re-establishing our connection with nature. More than ever, the world needs us to find our way back to our innermost being. Less doing and more human being using our creativity from our deepest essence and in balance with nature and the cosmos.

Louise has an MA in History from the University of Copenhagen and 15 years of work experience from museums and political organizations before Gene Keys became Louise’s ‘way of life’.

Recently Louise has chosen the path as a solo entrepreneur and has established her company ‘Beriiget’ (enrichment) Louise will soon be offering courses, workshops and much more about Gene Keys’ magical universe.

Louise har for nylig etableret virksomheden ‘Beriiget’ og vil inden længe udbyde online kurser, workshops og meget mere om Gene Keys’ visdom på dansk. Gennem Louises kurser og sessions får du mulighed for at aktivere dine medfødte potentialer så du kan berige verden med dit højeste formål.

Du kan allerede nu hente e-bogen “Sådan finder du din Livsopgave i Gene Keys”. Med e-bogen får du en trin for trin vejledning til at hente din personlige GenNøgle profil med dine 11 unikke GenNøgler, en introduktion til Gene Keys og Louises personlige anbefalinger til at komme godt i gang med Gene Keys.

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