Gene Keys Guide

Nadine Rajeh

Guiding Teens & Young Adults along the GK Golden Path

I’m a holistic life coach for teens and young adults.

I grew up as an empath in war-torn Lebanon in the Middle East. My motherhood journey later, between raising my four kids as an immigrant family in a new country while juggling my engineering corporate career and following my passion for creative writing, called me to completely re-parent my inner child.

This led me down the path of earth-based spirituality, energy medicine healing, and the Gene Keys. And that’s how I rediscovered the true meaning of self-acceptance, peace and fulfilment.

I now live with my husband and four kids in New Zealand.

I’m the bestselling author of Brilliant: Bringing Up Your High Performing Teen Daughter. I’m also a co-author in The Parenting Owner’s Manual with Dr. Ali Lankerani & other experts.

As a certified teen coach, I work with families worldwide to help teens and young adults rise above the distractions and expectations of the modern world, and shine out their soul’s unique brilliance.

Visit my website to learn more about my latest initiative: Teen Soul Mystery School, a guided journey along the Gene Keys Golden Path, specifically tailored for young people aged 13 to 24 years old.

Sending you Light & Blessings


Languages Spoken: العربية (Arabic)

Gene Keys Courses: Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence, Pearl Sequence

Interests: Family Relations, Teen Coach, Young Adults

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