Gene Keys Guide

Natalie Murray

Intimate, online Venus Sequence retreats for females

Hello! I’m Nat. I’m passionate about helping females to get off the ‘Self-Help Merry-Go-Round’ by healing their hearts FOR GOOD.

My purpose is to show the way to freedom for other like-minded souls who know that they too are destined to ‘BREAK THE CYCLE’ of female suppression and relationship dysfunction their family line.

My natural design is to guide other women to own both their ‘light’ and their ‘dark’ shadows in order to become whole. My Gene Keys profile has been an incredible key tool to help me see that and own who I really am.

I’ve earned a reputation for truly ‘Walking The Talk’ by taking the advice I give others and embodying it for myself!

I have successfully restored my power, calm and wholeness after a traumatic and dysfunctional past, which included childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and relationships with alcoholic men and being widowed at an early age.

I am grateful to have:

♡ Stopped all numbing out, addictive, and co-dependent patterns

♡ Turned my struggling marriage around from struggling to serenity

♡ Overcome emotional eating and naturally released 50 pounds in weight

♡ Become visible as a Feminine Leader

♡ Gene Keys Guide for 3 years

♡ Successfully facilitated 3 x Gene Keys intimate retreats for women

♡ Have completed the Activation, Venus and Pearl Sequences and have participated as a student in TWO Live Gene Keys ‘Deep Dive’ online retreats.

♡ Highly Experienced Trauma-Informed Healing Facilitator (and have expertly facilitated space for healing groups for more than 20 years)

♡ Licensed Creatrix® Transformologist® (a specialist in helping women to rapidly resolve chronic stuck inner baggage and recover their authentic self)

♡ Art of Feminine Presence® Teacher

♡ Life Coach

♡ Best Selling Published Author ‘The Queen Bee – Embody Your Truth and Live Fully Expressed’

♡ Ex-Registered Nurse (speciality Mental Health and Trauma Healing)

I tend to work with females in midlife who are ready to make a big change for the better in their lives and are seeking support and guidance to make it easier and even fun!

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