Gene Keys Guide
I have been an educator of children for 33 years, always seeking to create environments where children could develop their full, unique potential with creativity and a love for learning. My original training as a special ed teacher led me into deep inquiry around how children learn and how to remove blocks that might be keeping them from finding successful ways to access their innate genius. This led to co-founding a progressive Waldorf school in my community where we brought the best of Waldorf curriculum while asking the question, “What do these children need now in these times?” When I discovered the Gene Keys four years ago, it was like coming home. I finally had a map of how the human being can fully embody Genius. After completing the Venus Sequence, I knew I had to turn towards supporting parents in their own journey in order to best serve children. I have opened a parent resource center in my town, and I offer parent coaching, support circles, and workshops to aid parents in reparenting themselves and wholistic ways to support the development of their children. With all my experience of working with children and with the beautiful teachings of the Gene Keys, I offer guidance in using the path of parenting as path of self-discovery and a way to home to the Innocence that we all are.
Gene Keys Courses: Art of Contemplation, Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence
Interests: Coach, Family Relations, Child Development, Parenting
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