Gene Keys Guide

GK Profile sessions, Artist, Spiritual Guide & Blogger

I have always been a bit of a rebel. This played out most profoundly in 2020, when I left a successful, by most accounts, marriage of 26 years. I consciously uncoupled, and abandoned a socially-connected life in Atlanta, GA, filled with material wealth and external security. My life was full of doing in the external world… President of several volunteer organizations over the years. I knew it was time for a more inner-directed journey. I was being called home by my soul, to my authentic, multi-dimensional self. This journey started in earnest with a relocation to the mountains in Asheville area of North Carolina.

I loved to draw and paint since I was a child, and was particularly interested in faces. Keenly fascinated by the human experience, I was also attracted to the field of psychology. However, my parents convinced me to take a more practical route and study business. After graduating from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Marketing/Management, I chose a career in advertising and marketing. After taking some time off to be a full-time mom (and uber volunteer), I returned to my passion for portraiture.

After an abrupt spiritual awakening experience in 2017, I went from being a portrait artist/stay-at-home mom, to founding, a platform for raising consciousness through self-actualization tools, holistic healing and ascension/embodiment techniques. I was driven to discover and then share the answers to two questions:

1. Is there some sort of interconnected energy field that affects us?

2. What are the common elements in all religions throughout time and culture?

In 2018, I was introduced to Human Design. As an Ego-Authority Manifestor, I realized I had things to do in this world, but must be guided by my heart. The Gene Keys entered my consciousness shortly after and has been a major part of my spiritual growth ever since. I realized at this point that much of my work was unwinding co-dependent relationships with my young adult children.

As a Gene Keys Guide since July 2021, I have enjoyed working with several clients in person and on-line, illuminating their Activation, Venus and Pearl Sequences.

I also love to consult with people on the following subjects:

From martyrdom to self-love
Allowing divine partnership (inner and outer) to enter your life
Moving from co-dependence to self-sovereignty
Balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
Astrology by Degree
Walk-ins and Soul Braids
The Organic vs. Inorganic Matrix of Reality

My deepest heart’s desire is to guide others in finding their unique gifts and higher purpose and bringing people together to co-create heaven on earth.