Gene Keys Guide

Risha A. Vashista

Gene Keys Guidance & Mentorship

Risha’s exploration into the realm of the unknown began after experiencing a number of unexpected upheavals during her Saturn return in her late 20s. As someone who always had it all figured out, her life started to shift directions in the most potent way, leaving her no choice but to surrender to a greater power. From heartbreak to a career shift to health issues, she started to realize how out of alignment she was with her authentic self. Feeling lost in her identity, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and encountered Human Design, a system that guided her to shed old beliefs and embrace her authentic self. This eventually led her to the Gene Keys — a powerful transmission that shifted the trajectory of her life and career.

Risha works with the living wisdom of the Gene Keys to guide people toward their inner brilliance, attuning them to their highest essence so they may better navigate the world with integrity and grace.

What makes her service genuine is the heart-centred way she relates to people. She’s been there before and understands what it feels like to be out of alignment with our inner light and highest self. Like a cherished elder, she will deliver the deeper truth of things with a soft place to land, ensuring that no matter how difficult life may get, everything will always be okay.

Risha currently offers 1:1 Gene Keys guidance and mentorship packages. To get in touch, please email or visit