Gene Keys Guide

Ruta Skudraite

Profile sessions, live events, community building

I’ve written many different biographies for myself over the years – for piano performance, for art events, for producing, for building communities, for teaching.

At the start of my career path, I was focused solely on the process of creation (Life’s Work Line 1 – The Creator). Looking back, my driving force to create was to ultimately present and witness myself in various forms on stage or in leading roles. I would go to great lengths for an idea, performance, or to create an exceptional aesthetic experience. However, all of this part of my path was about doing things solo.

Later, I noticed myself enjoying collaborations and group-projects more and more (Life’s Work Gene Key 44 – Teamwork). My sensitivity to people started waking up and making itself known. Instead of focusing on fulfilling a creative idea, my attention slowly shifted into people – how the people involved in my projects are actually feeling? Are they fulfilled? Are they getting to express their potential? What are their natural gifts and talents? And what makes us connected?

These roles were weaving together like threads, giving me space to deepen my understanding of the workings of a human. I was lucky to always spend time among the sensitive and the subtle – in art communities, among music and deep conversationalists.

Then again, another dormant part of my being started rolling out with questions about who I am besides my roles, titles, forms, relationships and that which is already known (Radiance Gene Key 33 – Mindfulness). There was a new identity of a seeker forming, and among trials of various different paths and practices, it brought me to the Gene Keys.

From the very start, qualities that pulled me in to connect with this system further were its transformative yet gentle touch; how sensitively and intelligently various spiritual directions and philosophies are woven into one here; and a deep-felt sense for community.

For the past few years I’ve been living in my home country Lithuania. Since becoming a Gene Keys Guide, me and my colleague Paulius have connected to form a Lithuanian Gene Keys hub with the aim to build a community here and share the teachings in our native language. We’ve been organising live events, guiding people through their Profiles, and talking about the system at local festivals.

As life would have it, this project has been a point that ingeniously connected all elements of my personal story. It has all three: the creation, the community, and the self-seeking. That makes me feel like I’m in just the right place for my next stage of growth and giving.


Languages Spoken: Lithuanian, English

Gene Keys Courses: Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence, Pearl Sequence

Interests: Art, Family Relations, I Ching, Meditation, Music

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