Gene Keys Guide
Over the past five years I’ve gone on a deep internal journey to find my own heart wisdom, my own authentic pace & my specific purpose in this life. I had many tools assisting me on that journey and two of those that made the greatest impact on my life, that I would now like to share, are the Gene Keys & EFT Tapping. I’ve been Tapping for about ten years, since my mom learned the technique and started her coaching business. The Gene Keys have been in my life since Spring of 2020 and the shift in my frequency was palpable from the moment I opened the book. Some part of me recognized the truth of it deep in my being. After years of combining the EFT modality with the wisdom and guidance of the Gene Keys for myself, I know how potent the combination can be for growth and expansion. With EFT we can loosen our grasp on “what is” so we can witness what could be. Our limits are self imposed, we are actually limitless magical beings.
I am devoted to the gentle path. As I’ve learned how to be the grounded nurturing presence for myself, I’m now ready to hold that space for others. I’m here to witness and move through my shadow patterns with no judgement. Once I started doing this my life began to shift quite rapidly. I went from being miserable at a corporate job feeling like my soul was dying to taking bold aligned action towards my dreams. My dream is to have work that is fulfilling on all levels, to be in alignment with my deeper purpose, to be a living breathing example of what’s possible when you drop your mental defenses and trust the soft whispers of your essence. I invite you to join me on the journey!
As a Clinical EFT Practitioner & Gene Keys Guide I provide 1:1 sessions combining the EFT modality with the wisdom of the Gene Keys. We’ll use your profile as inspiration to access your specific experience and subconscious blocks to your unique genius. The somatic process of tapping encourages the insights gained from the Gene Keys to be embodied on the physical level, rather than just the mental. EFT helps us access our heart mind, expanding our understanding & perceptions. It helps us to accept our shadow frequencies with more grace & ease, allowing our gifts to bloom naturally. I would so love to support you on your journey to prosperity & wholeness!
Gene Keys Courses: Art of Contemplation, Activation Sequence, Venus Sequence, Pearl Sequence, Seven Sacred Seals
Interests: Astrology, Birth – Death – Rebirth, Business, Music, Nature, Somatic Awareness, Women’s Work
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