Gene Keys Guide

Simone Mäkelä

GK profile sessions. Podcast Herzbotschaften, Coaching

The Gene Keys came into my life in 2020. I had already discovered so much for myself and went through a very deep education. And stood at a point where only a few people could teach me anything. Most of it was too superficial for me.

Already the first sentence in my profile hit me deeply. It was an initial spark. The Gene Keys gave me a kind of permission to really be myself. Since then I have experienced tremendous transformations. I trust them – more than any other thing or human being.

I have been a coach since 2012 and a management trainer since 1999. I worked for a management consultancy for a long time before I became self-employed in 2014. Since then I have been accompanying people in transformation processes.

The Gene Keys are deeply woven into my own business. I love to connect the Gene Keys with business topics. This is why I offer especially business readings and love them most.

In Human Design I am a Projector 4/6.