Gene Keys Guide

Tainá de Lana Nascimento

Embodied Intuitive Gene Keys sessions and journeys

I’m Tainá, a Gene Keys Guide with a background in Systemic Constellations, intuitive readings, psychosomatics, Embodied Social Justice, body therapy, movement and ritual.

My journey with the Gene Keys began in 2019 with Richard Rudd’s teachings transforming my life. Soon, I’ve found other Portuguese speakers and I’m an integrant and guardian of the Gene Keys Portuguese Hub (As Chaves-Gene) since 2020.

My contemplation of the Gene Keys made me realize that dancing and moving my body intuitively, embodying all that I am and inspiring others to do the same is part of my purpose.

I offer personalized Gene Keys sessions, one-on-one journeys with embodiment tools and workshops to support your growth. My compassionate, intuitive and practical approach integrates various modalities, ensuring a holistic path to self-realization. Let’s illuminate your path and unlock your highest potential.

Connect with me to begin your transformative journey today.

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