Gene Keys Guide

Tamara Bucalo

Private and Group Sessions combining Gene Keys & Tarot

Gene Keys Guide and Professional Tarot Guide

Artist, Writer, Retired Senior – Young at Heart and in Spirit
Mother and Grandmother. I live on the Eastern Coast of the United States in Jacksonville, Florida. 

Active within the Global Gene Keys Community for several years.
After retiring from a career as custom floral designer, I devoted myself to a vocation as a Gene Keys. I have completed all the courses and Deep Dives, including serving as a Host during two Deep Dives and I actively participate in many related Gene Keys Groups and Community at large.

My passion for my own spiritual path and desire to serve inspired me to become a Gene Keys Guide.
My Four Prime Gifts / Activation Sequence represents my heart based mission.

I am grateful and blessed to be an active member of the Gene Keys Community as a Guide, and I welcome all who are called to this living transmission.

It is an honor to witness others as they recognize, acknowledge and actively step into their own unique GENIUS!
Also known as “FLOWER-GYPSY” I offer my own contemplations of flowers, trees and plants associated with Siddhis, Gifts and Shadows

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