Gene Keys Guide

Trishana Suman

Alignment Sessions + Musings + Connection

Trishana is an Empowerment Mentor + an Alignment Guide.

She has delved into diverse healing tools + practices, including studying under shamans in Peru and California, practicing energy medicine w/the Chakra System, learning Tantric and Taoist techniques, and utilizing sound/frequency healing tools.

When Human Design + Gene Keys came to her in 2018/19, she immediately felt an inexplicable knowing of the wisdom held within these tools.

They led her (and continue to lead her) into a journey of self-awareness + reflection – unlike any other.

With over five years of experience in providing personalized guidance to clients, Trishana’s path is one of supporting and guiding others along their spiritual (and human) journey.

Alongside her personal development experience, she has also dedicated over a decade to government service, and now supports Health + Wellness organizations through Marketing + Copywriting.

Although she’s deeply grateful for the opportunities she has had, to learn, offer, and teach amongst the various tools and roles – what life has taught her thus far, is that the greatest and deepest teachings and medicine that we have for one another, simply come from and through, the connection to our hearts.


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