Gene Keys Guide

Zoya Lu

GK, Embodiment & Womb Awakening Integration

Zoya Lu is a womb priestess, emotional alchemist, moon yogini, relationship coach, and the creatrix of Womb-Moon Alchemy & Womb-Moon Yoga.

After a spiritual awakening over two decades ago, Zoya’s extensively trained in mindfulness, hatha and tantra yoga, energy psychology, coaching, energy healing, and holistic health. Her coaching skills are enhanced with her immersion in the study and practice of the world’s wisdom traditions and healing arts such as the 13-Moon Mystery School, Womb Shamanism & Gene Keys.

Zoya is a wife of an amazing multi-talented artist and a sacred geometry wizard, and a mother of a creative and free-willed eleven year-old boy. Born and raised in Belarus, she’s traveled over 40 countries and lived in India, Malta, and currently in Taiwan.

Zoya is passionate about helping women to create happy lives by accessing, honoring, and embodying love as their true essence. When working with her, women feel heard, accepted, valued, nourished, and loved just the way they are, and, at the same time, they are guided to see their blind spots that contribute to their problems. Zoya has a gift of recognizing and compassionately pointing out at the very root of any difficulty and offering effective support to make immediate positive changes.

Her mentoring comes along with the facilitation of emotional and physical healing that every woman needs to truly love and be loved. Zoya’s approach is somatic to create deep and life-lasting changes and womb-centered to anchor her clients in internal safety, power, and their own unique truth.

Offering her service as a full-time spiritual teacher since 2004, Zoya has been a catalyst for healing and self-actualization to thousands of women from all over the world.

Zoya Lu 是一位子宮女祭司、情感煉金術士、人際關係教練,也是Womb-Moon煉金術和Womb-Moon瑜伽的創造者。

二十多年前踏上靈性覺醒之後,卓雅在正念練習、哈達瑜伽、密宗瑜伽、能量心理學、諮詢輔導、能量療癒、冥想和瑜伽療法方面接受了廣泛的培訓。 她廣放地沈浸在世界智慧傳統和治療藝術的學習和實踐中,例如十三月神秘學、子宮薩滿教、基因天命,紮實地提升了她在諮詢輔導方面的能力。

Zoya 熱衷於通過獲取、榮耀和體現愛作為她們的真實本性來幫助女性們創造幸福的生活。 與她一起練習時,女性會感到被傾聽、被接受、被重視、被滋養和被愛。同時,卓雅會引導她們去發現問題的盲點。 卓雅有一種天賦,能夠識別並充滿同情心地指出任何困難的根源,並提供有效的支持以立即做出積極性的改變。


從2004 年開始,卓雅以全職靈性導師的身份開始為許多人服務,她一直是來自世界各地的數千名女性在療癒及自我實現方面的強大催化劑。

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