Seven Sacred Seals Open Call

Community Invocation of Grace

Gathering with Grace – March 22nd at 22:00 UTC

Your Time Zone:
2025-03-22 22:00 UTC

On the 22nd day of every month, we invite our global Gene Keys family to come together for a communal Invocation of Grace. This is a free open call for anyone, whether you are new to the Seven Sacred Seals or a long-time voyager. If you are unable to attend live, we still invite you to find a time to gather with Grace in your own way on this day. This call will not be recorded, but you may stream the audio for the Invocation of the Seventh Seal on your own, below. This call is hosted by volunteers from the Ambassador Circle.

Meeting ID: 863 7638 7729
Passcode: 222222

What are the Seven Sacred Seals?

The Seven Sacred Seals are a mystical wisdom that dovetails beautifully into the Gene Keys. Their primary purpose is to catalyse the awakening of the heart. In this live open call, you can learn more from Richard Rudd about these teachings and how the power of Grace can change your life in miraculous ways. If you feel the call, click below and dive in to the Seven Sacred Seals online course.

Stream & Download the Invocation of the Seventh Seal

May this sapphire flame draw us further along our evolutionary curve. May it shine brighter within our bellies. May its purifying light shower its great blessings upon every sentient being here on our earth, Gaia.

-The Invocation of the Seventh Seal​