Weaving the World Together

A dreamtime journey through the animal soul of Gaia

Available in HD Audio on Soundcloud, or Live Replay on Youtube

In this uplifting musical meditation, Richard Rudd guides us deep into the collective dreaming of our planetary spirit, hitching a ride on 14 of the great creatures of Gaia. Dreaming across cultures and continents, weaving a magical tapestry of diversity within unity, we come to experience the inherent togetherness of all beings and lineages. Each creature, from the eagle to the lion to the turtle, is a fractal portal to a living, ancestral teaching. When taken together, all these teachings point us towards a coming quantum leap in our evolution: the leap into Homo Sanctus – the sacred human. Special thanks to Entheo Music, Russell Feingold, and the amazing contributing artists from around the world.[

Music Credits

Meditation Journey Soundtrack by Entheo Music – entheomusic.com
Featuring Russel Feingold Flutes – russellfeingold.bandcamp.com/releases

Featuring Artists from Splice for contributing music and sounds:
Niles Hollowell-Dhar aka KSHMR (Sounds of KSHMR Vol. 3)
Melody Yan – Guzheng
Fabian Mazur Ara
Gaurav Dayal
Maasai Tribe of Tanzania

Thank you to each of these artists for offering their incredible music and sounds into this library.